
Heroic Ukrainian Firefighters

We are Ukrainians living in the United States, and we are deeply concerned about the people of our Motherland. We are now working hard to assist Ukrainian firemen.

Firefighters have been the actual heroes of Ukraine since the invasion began on February 24th. They have assisted in the extinguishing of fires and the rescue of victims from the rubble of fallen buildings caused by airstrikes. After every bombing, firefighters and rescuers help evacuate people and eliminate disaster consequences in every city in Ukraine, particularly in the country’s east, where the majority of bombing has occurred.

Our team assists heroic Ukrainian firefighters by collecting and providing the necessary cylinders, gloves, protective gear and equipment, and medicines.

All of this is possible because of companionate love, donors, and patrons. And you are welcome to join us!

The funds raised are used entirely to purchase equipment for Ukrainian firefighters.


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