There were 80 people at the gathering, including sponsors, volunteers, board members, association members, and their families. It is important to thank the excellent organization that helped drive the veterans to the meeting. The first to offer a warm congratulations to the veterans was lawyer Yulia Bikbova. President of the Chicago Association and active participant in the organization’s endeavors since its founding, Valentina Margolina, congratulated everyone on both holidays and expressed her gratitude to the sponsors and volunteers for their help throughout the last 30 years. First, she thanked Michael and Tanya Polsky’s family for their financial support, which, for many years, has allowed the Association to exist, develop, and support its veterans. Valentina noted Evgeny Altshuler and Alyona Toropov– volunteers who made the Hall of Remembrance– and encouraged everyone to visit the Hall. In her speech, other important sponsors were not forgotten: Lifeway Kefir and Alef Sausage, which annually provide their products as gifts to the veterans; Lyudmila and Boris Vaisman, who help prepare gift sets and support the Association with their tremendous efforts; and the Reklama newspaper for providing the opportunity to cover, in print, activities and events that take place in the Chicago Veterans Association. She applauded young volunteers– schoolchildren Liza Kalika, Natan Bershadsky, and Rafail Shabotinsky, who have actively participated in the Association’s work.